Report Phone Scam

The Security of our customers’ personal information and their computer systems is of the utmost importance to Dell. Unfortunately, technology phone scams have become prevalent across our industry.

If You have been contacted by someone claiming to be from Dell and feel it is a scam, you can help us stop cybercriminals by reporting information about your interaction with them. Completing this form allows us to investigate the issue further.

Your privacy is important to us. This session may be monitored and retained for training, quality, and security purposes. To learn more about how we use and protect your data, please visit Dell's Privacy Policy.

Use 7 characters for Service Tag, and 11 digits for Express Service Code.
Please enter a service request number using only 9-12 digits.
Name cannot contain special characters.
Please enter a valid phone number using only 10 digits.
Please enter valid email address.

Please enter fraudulent company name.
Fraudulent company name cannot contain special characters.
Please enter fraudulent caller name.
Fraudulent caller name cannot contain special characters.
Please enter a valid phone number using only 10 digits.
Please enter a valid phone number using only 10 digits.
Please enter a valid phone number using only 10 digits.

Please provide details such as
Invoice cannot contain special characters.
Please enter amount paid to third party using only 10 digits.
Please enter valid email address.
Thank you for sharing information about this issue with Dell. We appreciate your completing this form, which will allow us to investigate scams that may involve Dell’s name, our technology, and our customers. Our Security and Fraud investigation team reviews every submission received. Even if you do not receive a response from us, the information you have provided will assist us with our investigations.